Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bitter Twitterer

UPDATE: Kim to the rescue... You can now see La Bocca tweets from Twitter on the right side of the page. Thanks, Kim!

You'd think doing something like adding a feed of your Twitter updates to your blog would be simple. I see other people doing it. Supposedly, I'm supposed to know a thing or two about social media and Web marketing, that being my profession and everything. For the life of me, though, I can't figure out how to get a feed of La Bocca tweets on this blog. I found a few options but none of them are really great in terms of format.

I know there's probably one out there that everyone knows about (except me). If you're a Twitter expert and have any ideas, give a shout. For now, I think I'm going to drown my social networking sorrows in leftover bolognese.

I do think I managed to get these blog updates to post to Twitter though. One success for the day.


  1. I remember there being an option to do this on the Blogspot end. I did it once, but gimme a sec to remember how...

  2. I was totally wrong. It was a Twidget that auto-formatted to look like my blog, and then I just added the HTML box via the layout editor. Here's a helpful blog post.


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